Improve Your Office Day is celebrated on 4th October every year. Whether your office is at home, on the road, or in a shared space, there are always ways to improve your working environment. Read on to find out some of the tips and tricks you can employ to improve your office, and make your workplace the best it can be!
Give your office a splash of colour
No one wants to work in a dull and drab environment. By adding a little colour, you can warm up your work space and improve your mood. Colour can also help inspire your creativity and offer a hint of your businesses personality. Embrace your individuality and breathe life into your office.
Add some greenery
An office boasting vibrant greenery will convey a positive image to visitors. Plants help lower stress and increase productivity according to numerous studies. Additionally, they help clean the air and improve the aesthetics of any environment. Some of the best plants are resilient and need very little care, but still offer the same benefits.
Throw on some tunes
Create a little ambiance with some music to get you through the day. Most radio stations can be streamed online, or opt for a Spotify playlists made for promoting focus and productivity. Research from Cornell University has found that employees who listen to happy music like, are able to cooperate and make group decisions better than employees who work without a background soundtrack.
Choose furniture that improves productivity
Does your office furniture help facilitate productivity? Is it attractive, as well as functional? Perhaps your chair could use an upgrade to alleviate any back problems, or your keyboard could be a little less noisy. Whatever the case, take a moment to look objectively at your office set up and make adjustments as needed.